Monday, September 5, 2011


Without a doubt, my new favourite "toy" is the wonderful new Simply Scored tool in the new winter mini! You must get tired of me saying this, but this new mini is THE BEST one yet! New stamps, dies, ribbon...the list goes on. Now, the details on the Simply Scored...

Here are a few amazing features that sets it apart:

It has GROOVES EVERY 1/8″ – meaning you don’t have to keep taking your cardstock out of your score tool and measure with your ruler where you need to score
It has an OPEN SIDE ON THE RIGHT making it easy to fit in papers that are larger than 12″ – this also allows you to easily remove your cardstock
It has MOVEABLE PLACE MARKERS! And I love them! You simply pop the markers into the holes to mark where you are needing to score – this is fabulous for when you are making more than one item
It has a METAL STYLUS which is double-ended so you are guaranteed to get nice crisp score lines – and unlike other brands, you never need to replace it because it is metal and will not wear down!
It is sloped gently TOWARDS YOU when you work – this is a great feature that I didnt know about until I started using it

I am still at work in Nova Scotia, today is another beautiful sunny day. We had a chance to do the Cabot Trail and go whale watching this a word...WOW! The scenery is stunning, the weather has been lovely and I have only been a tiny bit homesick. Only 5 more sleeps till I get to kiss and hug my Hubby and 2 daughters...I am counting down the hours!

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